Welcome and Purpose

Welcome to the Oregon land use planning online training, an overview of planning principles and practices in Oregon. The purpose of this program is to help you…citizens and decision-makers…have a greater understanding of Oregon’s Statewide Planning and Coastal Management programs and how they relate to your local government planning efforts.

The curriculum has nine chapters. You may follow at your own pace and access the program at any point. Listen and watch. You may also read the content on your screen as we go along. Confirm your understanding by reviewing the scenarios that follow each chapter. For further information about how to use this site, please click the "Using This Site" button on the site index column on the left side of the screen.

For more information about Oregon’s Statewide Planning or Coastal Management Programs, contact us at (503) 373-0050 or online at www.lcd.state.or.us. Thank you!

Now let’s begin Chapter 1: Overview of the Oregon Land Use Planning Program.


Consultants: Cogan Owens Cogan: Kirstin Greene, Elaine Cogan, Steve Faust, Nancy Marshall; JLA Public Involvement: Kalin Schmoldt, Sam Beresky; Axis Performance Advisors: Marsha Willard; Voice Talent: Tammie Andreas, Matt Dragon.

DLCD: Laren Woolley, Tanya Haddad, Dale Blanton, Bob Bailey, and other key Coastal Program staff.

Photo credits: Oregon Blue Book/Oregon Archives; Cogan Owens Cogan, LLC; DLCD (various staff); ODOT; WikiMedia Commons; The City of Tualatin.

The materials contained in this training are correct to the best of our knowledge. If updates are needed, or if we discover any errors, we will revise the training as resources allow. Please refer to the DLCD website at www.oregon.gov/lcd/ for additional information.